Tutorial 1: Workflow of PyCoM

In this tutorial, with a small example, you will learn how to create a workflow with the local version of PyCoM, using the steps listed below:

  1. Setup

  2. Initalise pycom objects

  3. Create a query dictionary

  4. Save and retrieve progress

  5. Analyse search results

  6. Add biological features

  7. Some statistics

  8. Coevolution matrix analysis

  9. Help on UniProt Controlled Vocabulary


The assumption is that you have completed the installation and downloaded the database. For help on this please look at the quick guide here.

Initalise pycom objects

First, lets import all the libraries and classes we need from pycom, pandas, matplotlib, and numpy

# importing all usefull classes from PyCoM
from pycom import PyCom, ProteinParams,CoMAnalysis
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# matplotlib; useful for plotting later
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#setting matplotlib parameters
matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42
matplotlib.rcParams['font.family'] = "sans-serif"
matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "Arial"
#set the path to the database
#matrix file name and path
file_matrix_db = database_folder_path+"pycom.mat"
#protein database file name and path
file_protein_db= database_folder_path+"pycom.db"
obj_pycom = PyCom(db_path=file_protein_db, mat_path=file_matrix_db)

Create a query dictionary

To query the database, we need to create a dictionary object query_parameters using the keywords for our choice of properties. For the full list of keywords please check

Empty ``query_parameters`` will return information on all the ~457,000 proteins in the database

To query the database, we need to create a dictionary object query_parameters using the keywords for our choice of properties. For the full list of keywords please check

Empty ``query_parameters`` will return information on all the ~457,000 proteins in the database

#creating empty query dictionary
# Here we are asking for all the proteins that match the enzyme class 3 and have been associated with the disease cancer.
                  ProteinParams.ENZYME: '3.*',
                  ProteinParams.MIN_LENGTH: 100,
                  ProteinParams.MAX_LENGTH: 200,

Executing the query with the parameters defined in the above cell using the pycom object obj_pycom find() function will return a pandas dataframe with the search results containing information about all the proteins which match our query.


Save and retrieve progress

We can save and retreive our progress by saving our dataframe with information on our favourite proteins by saving it to a csv file.

Save the query to a csv file

To avoid rerunning the query we can cave the progress to a csv file.


Read query data from csv file

Retrieving our progress from the csv file.


Analyse search results

The search returns a pandas data frame with proteins matching the query critiera with following information for each protein:

  • uniprot_id: Uniprot ID

  • neff: Depth of the sequence alignment \(N_{eff}\)

  • sequence_length: Sequence length

  • sequence: protein sequence

  • organism_id: Organism ID

  • helic_frac, turn_frac, strand_frac: helix, turn, and strand structure fraction

  • has_ptm: Has a PTM Yes/No

  • has_pdb: Has a PDB structure Yes/No

  • has_substrate: Has a substrate for biological activity Yes/No

  • matrix: coevolution matrix column is empty because at this stage we would still want you to check the search results and if required filter them based on any of the biological properties before loading the matrices.

First, look what columns we have and their names.

uniprot_id neff sequence_length sequence organism_id helix_frac turn_frac strand_frac has_ptm has_pdb has_substrate matrix
0 P01111 12.817 189 MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVI... 9606 0.349206 0.015873 0.227513 1 1 1 None
1 P01112 12.841 189 MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVI... 9606 0.317460 0.031746 0.359788 1 1 1 None
2 P01116 12.626 189 MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVI... 9606 0.375661 0.031746 0.328042 1 1 1 None

describe() function from pandas can be used to get a summary of all the features:

uniprot_id neff sequence_length sequence organism_id helix_frac turn_frac strand_frac has_ptm has_pdb has_substrate matrix
count 3 3.000000 3.0 3 3 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.0 3.0 3.0 0
unique 3 NaN NaN 3 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0
freq 1 NaN NaN 1 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
mean NaN 12.761333 189.0 NaN NaN 0.347443 0.026455 0.305115 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN
std NaN 0.117815 0.0 NaN NaN 0.029141 0.009164 0.069054 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN
min NaN 12.626000 189.0 NaN NaN 0.317460 0.015873 0.227513 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN
25% NaN 12.721500 189.0 NaN NaN 0.333333 0.023810 0.277778 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN
50% NaN 12.817000 189.0 NaN NaN 0.349206 0.031746 0.328042 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN
75% NaN 12.829000 189.0 NaN NaN 0.362434 0.031746 0.343915 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN
max NaN 12.841000 189.0 NaN NaN 0.375661 0.031746 0.359788 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN

Get counts of categorical data in the column, for example: * number of proteins with a known PDB structure * number of proteins with a known PTM

1    3
Name: count, dtype: int64

Find number of unique elements in the column, for example number of unique organisms:

array(['9606'], dtype=object)

All the sequences are from the same organism, 9606 i.e. from Homo sapiens. Full list is available from UniProt

Some statistics on the numerical column, for example neff:

count     3.000000
mean     12.761333
std       0.117815
min      12.626000
25%      12.721500
50%      12.817000
75%      12.829000
max      12.841000
Name: neff, dtype: float64

We can also use other functions to get some of the information


Add biological features

Initialise the object loader class and then call each add function

  1. Add Enzyme Classification

  2. Add CATH Class

  3. Add Co-factors

  4. Add PTM

  5. Add Diseases

For a protein entry if the requested data (EC/CATH/Cofactors…) does not exist, corresponding entry in that column will be nan. We can filter such rows as shown further below.

Please note the dataloader functions will not work with remote version of PyCoM

#initialise the object for data loader class
#add enzyme commission data to the dataframe
#add CATH data to the dataframe
#add CATH data to the dataframe
#get list of all cofactors for each protein
#get list of all PTM's for each protein
#get list of all diseases for each protein
#get substrates for the proteins

Save the progress to a csv file

As we have added a lot of information to our dataframe, let’s save our progress so that we can restart from this point, in future, if required.


Some Statistics

Let’s look at some statistics for all the columns in the dataframe. Below are some examples of how you can do some fun things with the dataframe.

#include=all will also include columns with 'nan' entries
uniprot_id neff sequence_length sequence organism_id helix_frac turn_frac strand_frac has_ptm has_pdb has_substrate matrix enzyme_commission cath_class pdb_id cofactor ptm disease_name disease_id ligand
count 3 3.000000 3.0 3 3 3.000000 3.000000 3.000000 3.0 3.0 3.0 0 3 3 3 0 0 3 3 3
unique 3 NaN NaN 3 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0 1 1 3 0 0 3 3 1
top P01111 NaN NaN MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVI... 9606 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [] [] [2N9C, 3CON, 5UHV, 6E6H, 6MPP, 6ULI, 6ULK, 6UL... NaN NaN [Leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic, Noonan syn... [DI-01851, DI-02558, DI-03381, DI-04099, DI-04... [GTP-binding, Nucleotide-binding]
freq 1 NaN NaN 1 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3 3 1 NaN NaN 1 1 3
mean NaN 12.761333 189.0 NaN NaN 0.347443 0.026455 0.305115 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
std NaN 0.117815 0.0 NaN NaN 0.029141 0.009164 0.069054 0.0 0.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
min NaN 12.626000 189.0 NaN NaN 0.317460 0.015873 0.227513 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
25% NaN 12.721500 189.0 NaN NaN 0.333333 0.023810 0.277778 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
50% NaN 12.817000 189.0 NaN NaN 0.349206 0.031746 0.328042 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
75% NaN 12.829000 189.0 NaN NaN 0.362434 0.031746 0.343915 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
max NaN 12.841000 189.0 NaN NaN 0.375661 0.031746 0.359788 1.0 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Find unique ligands and count them:

[GTP-binding, Nucleotide-binding]    3
Name: count, dtype: int64
# Filter the search results where we have a ligand interacting with the protein

Count columns without ‘nan’ entries

#Number of proteins with pdb data

Coevolution matrix analysis

Load the matrix

Lets get the coevolution matrix for the filtered dataframe df_results_with_ligand using the load_matrices() from obj_pycom

uniprot_id neff sequence_length sequence organism_id helix_frac turn_frac strand_frac has_ptm has_pdb has_substrate matrix enzyme_commission cath_class pdb_id cofactor ptm disease_name disease_id ligand
0 P01111 12.817 189 MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVI... 9606 0.349206 0.015873 0.227513 1 1 1 [[0.0, 0.5163763761520386, 0.3219393491744995,... [] [] [2N9C, 3CON, 5UHV, 6E6H, 6MPP, 6ULI, 6ULK, 6UL... NaN NaN [Leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic, Noonan syn... [DI-01851, DI-02558, DI-03381, DI-04099, DI-04... [GTP-binding, Nucleotide-binding]
1 P01112 12.841 189 MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVI... 9606 0.317460 0.031746 0.359788 1 1 1 [[0.0, 0.5560339689254761, 0.34521734714508057... [] [] [121P, 1AA9, 1AGP, 1BKD, 1CLU, 1CRP, 1CRQ, 1CR... NaN NaN [Costello syndrome, Congenital myopathy with e... [DI-01437, DI-01411, DI-04532, DI-02612, DI-03... [GTP-binding, Nucleotide-binding]
2 P01116 12.626 189 MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVI... 9606 0.375661 0.031746 0.328042 1 1 1 [[0.0, 0.38467222452163696, 0.3104382753372192... [] [] [1D8D, 1D8E, 1KZO, 1KZP, 1N4P, 1N4Q, 1N4R, 1N4... NaN NaN [Leukemia, acute myelogenous, Leukemia, juveni... [DI-01171, DI-01851, DI-02073, DI-02971, DI-03... [GTP-binding, Nucleotide-binding]

Normalise/Scale the matrix

Scaled matrix (:math:`S_{i}`): Coevolution Matrices (\(C_{i}\)) have to be scaled by average \(\langle{C_{i}}\rangle\), all values < \(\langle{C_{i}}\rangle\) are set to 0.

Normalised matrix (:math:`N_{i}`): For comparing scaled coevolution scores across multiple proteins, we can normalise the values of all matrices \({S_{i}...S_{n}}\), by dividing them by the \(\max({S_{i}...S_{n}})\).

These operations can be performed by using object from CoMAnalysis class.

#initialise CoMAnalysis class object
uniprot_id neff sequence_length sequence organism_id helix_frac turn_frac strand_frac has_ptm has_pdb ... enzyme_commission cath_class pdb_id cofactor ptm disease_name disease_id ligand matrix_S matrix_N
0 P01111 12.817 189 MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVI... 9606 0.349206 0.015873 0.227513 1 1 ... [] [] [2N9C, 3CON, 5UHV, 6E6H, 6MPP, 6ULI, 6ULK, 6UL... NaN NaN [Leukemia, juvenile myelomonocytic, Noonan syn... [DI-01851, DI-02558, DI-03381, DI-04099, DI-04... [GTP-binding, Nucleotide-binding] [[0.0, 2.4990853333930714, 1.5580765172867141,... [[0.0, 0.18836677642207234, 0.1174389073708615...
1 P01112 12.841 189 MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVI... 9606 0.317460 0.031746 0.359788 1 1 ... [] [] [121P, 1AA9, 1AGP, 1BKD, 1CLU, 1CRP, 1CRQ, 1CR... NaN NaN [Costello syndrome, Congenital myopathy with e... [DI-01437, DI-01411, DI-04532, DI-02612, DI-03... [GTP-binding, Nucleotide-binding] [[0.0, 2.4841366766214805, 1.5422925960913767,... [[0.0, 0.18724003206873668, 0.1162492055567066...
2 P01116 12.626 189 MTEYKLVVVGAGGVGKSALTIQLIQNHFVDEYDPTIEDSYRKQVVI... 9606 0.375661 0.031746 0.328042 1 1 ... [] [] [1D8D, 1D8E, 1KZO, 1KZP, 1N4P, 1N4Q, 1N4R, 1N4... NaN NaN [Leukemia, acute myelogenous, Leukemia, juveni... [DI-01171, DI-01851, DI-02073, DI-02971, DI-03... [GTP-binding, Nucleotide-binding] [[0.0, 1.8285180440964264, 1.4756510916226846,... [[0.0, 0.1378232447662731, 0.1112261496390277,...

3 rows × 22 columns

matrix_S column contains the \(S_{i}\) matrix and the matrix_N column contains \(N_{i}\)

Plot the matrix and save it

Lets plot the matrix for the first (index is 0) protein in the dataframe.


Save the list of top coevolution pairs

Residues with scores close to 1 have the strongest evolutionary relationship, and close to 0 may not be covarying during evolution.

The top scoring residues are sorted in descending order and saved to an ASCII file for further interpretation.

Saved file : output/P01111_Pairs.txt
Saved file : output/P01112_Pairs.txt
Saved file : output/P01116_Pairs.txt

Help on UniProt Controlled Vocabulary

For each biological feature category, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot has a curated list of keywords. To search using those keywords or ID’s and help you find them we have some helper functions that will help you find them:

Function get_cofactor_list() from pycom will get you list of cofactors. You can either use the cofactorId or the cofactorName.

# list of cofactors
cofactors = obj_pycom.get_cofactor_list()
cofactorId cofactorName
0 CHEBI:597326 pyridoxal 5'-phosphate
1 CHEBI:18420 Mg(2+)
2 CHEBI:60240 a divalent metal cation
3 CHEBI:30413 heme
4 CHEBI:29105 Zn(2+)
... ... ...
109 CHEBI:61721 chlorophyll b
110 CHEBI:73095 divinyl chlorophyll a
111 CHEBI:73096 divinyl chlorophyll b
112 CHEBI:57453 (6S)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolate
113 CHEBI:30402 tungstopterin

114 rows × 2 columns

Function get_disease_list() from pycom will get you list of diseases. You can either use the diseaseId or the diseaseName.

# list of diseases
diseases = obj_pycom.get_disease_list()

diseaseId diseaseName
0 DI-04420 Intellectual developmental disorder, autosomal...
1 DI-00085 Alzheimer disease 1
2 DI-00097 Cerebral amyloid angiopathy, APP-related
3 DI-00262 Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome
4 DI-01042 Spastic paraplegia 42, autosomal dominant
... ... ...
6039 DI-05800 Wieacker-Wolff syndrome, female-restricted
6040 DI-01041 Spastic paraplegia 33, autosomal dominant
6041 DI-05703 Neurodevelopmental disorder with dysmorphic fa...
6042 DI-06050 Intellectual developmental disorder, autosomal...
6043 DI-04662 Paget disease of bone 6

6044 rows × 2 columns

Function get_organism_list() from pycom will get you list of diseases. You can either use the organismId or the nameScientific or nameCommon or any categories in the taxonomy.

# list of organisms
organisms = obj_pycom.get_organism_list()
organismId nameScientific nameCommon taxonomy
0 561445 African swine fever virus (isolate Pig/Kenya/K... ASFV :Viruses:Varidnaviria:Bamfordvirae:Nucleocytov...
1 10500 African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/Malawi... ASFV :Viruses:Varidnaviria:Bamfordvirae:Nucleocytov...
2 561443 African swine fever virus (isolate Tick/South ... ASFV :Viruses:Varidnaviria:Bamfordvirae:Nucleocytov...
3 561444 African swine fever virus (isolate Warthog/Nam... ASFV :Viruses:Varidnaviria:Bamfordvirae:Nucleocytov...
4 10498 African swine fever virus (strain Badajoz 1971... Ba71V :Viruses:Varidnaviria:Bamfordvirae:Nucleocytov...
... ... ... ... ...
14316 31581 Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Pig/Australia/TFR-41/... RV-A :Viruses:Riboviria:Orthornavirae:Duplornaviric...
14317 31579 Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Pig/Australia/BEN144/... RV-A :Viruses:Riboviria:Orthornavirae:Duplornaviric...
14318 10918 Rotavirus A (strain RVA/Pig/Russia/K/1987) RV-A :Viruses:Riboviria:Orthornavirae:Duplornaviric...
14319 31580 Rotavirus A (isolate RVA/Pig/Australia/BMI-1/1... RV-A :Viruses:Riboviria:Orthornavirae:Duplornaviric...
14320 47664 Populus tremula x Populus tremuloides Hybrid aspen :Eukaryota:Viridiplantae:Streptophyta:Embryoph...

14321 rows × 4 columns

#full list of helper functions to get searchable terms on other biological categories
0 Acetylcholine receptor inhibiting toxin
1 Actin-binding
2 Activator
3 Acyltransferase
4 Allosteric enzyme
... ...
191 Viral short tail ejection system
192 Viral exotoxin
193 Chloride channel impairing toxin
194 Proton-gated sodium channel impairing toxin
195 Translocase

196 rows × 1 columns